#18 Pyaaz Bytes: Headspace

Hello Scrollers,

I did not blog for the last 2 days. I feel like I am thinking and worrying about a lot of things and I do not have the headspace for blogging. I could have just written something but I did not want to write anything, which is actually what I am doing now anyways. 😛

“Headspace”. I find the word funny and also eerie as whenever I think about the word, I imagine an a huge green beady eyed alien above the Earth with its brain a few inches above its open skull. So there is space in the head. I know how it sounds but that’s what I think.

Closest Image I could Find

I wonder if we have limited headspace or we just think that it is limited. Or we can take in enormous amounts of things at the same time. I feel that it is limited in my case as I am not able to type anything interesting about the topic which I chose. Focus is faltering as I am thinking about too many things at the same time. I got my answer to my above question now. I am a genius. On your knees peasants. On your damn knees.

Here’s to 205 words of Day 18. Cheers!